My English literature coursework at Agnes Scott cultivate my written and oral communication skills. In my classes I refined my analytical lens as well as my research skills to enhance my critical thinking.

The English literature program exposes students to a variety of ways of reading, understanding, and writing about literature. My courses were characterized by frequent discussion, original analysis work, and independent research. 

English Minor Requirements

Foundational Course:

  • ENG 280 Perspectives on Literature

Elective Courses:

  • ENG 215 Literature of Ireland 
  • ENG 234 Shakespeare & the Folktale
  • ENG 310 The Tale in Early World Literature
  • ENG 310 Queering thee Renaissance

English coursework objectives

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of significant texts and traditions of literature written in English
  • analyze literary works and movements demonstrating knowledge of style, language, conventions, and historical, social, and cultural context
  • evaluate works of literary criticism and theory and employ them in  analysis of literature
  • construct thoughtful, well-researched, and original interpretations and arguments about literature and its contexts in written and oral forms
  • apply understanding and knowledge gained from the study of literature to other disciplines, problems, and context